
Strive for operational excellence

Our goal of increasing Customer satisfaction has led us to put in place a system and procedures designed to optimise costs and yet achieve very high quality.

Employee training and internal inspection are aimed at achieving this quality goal.

Think local

We are committed to local engagement in the regions and countries where we have our branches. Building initiatives to help local economies has always been our objective.

This local approach can take various forms such as joint ventures, recruitment and training, subcontracting, etc.

This has been a natural, completely embedded practice at Lassarat for many years.

Work safely and care for the environment
Looking after human capital (health/safety) is central to our priorities, which is why we have so many resources and actions specifically devoted. This commitment is the reason why we use certifications, accreditation, and qualifications specific to each job and why we train our teams constantly.

On each jobsite one person is dedicated to safety.

Additionally, we are constantly researching and developing technical processes that will facilitate our staff’s work and make their tasks less unpleasant.

We are committed on a daily basis in our actions to limiting our impact on the environment and complying with local regulations.

A member of the French Grouping of Industrial Painting Companies, Lassarat benefits from the initiatives of this association in terms of ideas and participation in regulating the challenges that face the industry. The GEPI represents and speaks for the industrial painting industry.

Lassarat is committed to never giving an anticorrosion guarantee that has not first been approved by Office d’Homologation de Garanties de Peinture Industrielle in its area of competence.

Our operators certified by the French Association for Certification and Qualification in Anticorrosion Paintwork are a guarantee that they follow best practice in the use of high durability paint systems certified by that body.

Lassarat management staff who have obtained the internationally recognised ACQPA/FROSIO certification as inspectors ensure compliance with work standards and can provide consultancy services.

Safety is in our contracts too

In an increasingly regulated environment, the quality of our work means safety must be integral to our contractual relationships. Our legal department is closely concerned with safety too. We train our teams in the different kinds of contracts and in good legal practice. This helps to develop a climate of confidence with our customers.

Our certifications

ISO 9001, garant du système de management par la qualité dans tous les services de l’entreprise

ISO 14001, série d’exigences spécifiques à la mise en place d’un système de management environnemental


ISO 19443, Management de la qualité dans le secteur de l’énergie nucléaire (Certification obtenue par notre division energie dans le cadre de nos interventions en centrales nucléaires CNPE)



management de la radioprotection, assurance de la formation et du suivi du personnel conduit à intervenir dans les installations nucléaires

QUALIBAT, gage d’excellence dans les domaines de la peinture industrielle, ravalements, revêtements spéciaux anticorrosion des parois et des sols, sols plastiques collés



AFAQ ASCERT, preuve de la capacité de l’entreprise à effectuer des travaux de confinement et de retrait d’amiante friable et non friable dans le respect des réglementations en vigueur

UTO, reconnaissance du système qualité par la qualification CAS 1 auprès de EDF

MASE-UIC, reconnaissance de notre système de management de la sécurité